choose your pack carefully as you will need to carry it for a long time( maybe even days), don't think the biggest is the best, you should only carry what you
really need and not what you think you need.
The pack should not be any more than a quarter of your own body weight and the lighter the better. You don't have to spend the earth on your items and the main bulk of your load will be small army issue type items, and you don't see the army caring a 5 ring cooker on their backs do you?
most of the items can be obtained from most good army surplus stores some even offer survival training. take
www.survival-school.org they offer course and have a online shop, plus have the benefit of a forum so you can take to other like minded people and share hint and tips of survival.
Some of your items may be found of sites like eBay, so finding your items isn't a great deal trouble, but always remember to get the essentials first.
i suggest your first item to buy even before your buy your pack if a good SAS survival book which has all your need to know about building up your pack, from choosing a good pack to what to put in it and where.
i show above my basic pack, nothing to fancy but it does the job i need it to do.
As you can see there isn't any item that you can't get in a shop or online. you can see a first aid book, buy one read it and read it again as you never know when you'll need the info that you learn from them or better still go on a first aid course, as if your stuck in the middle of nowhere then you need to now how to treat your self until help arrives, which leads me onto the next key item COMMUNICATION do not go anywhere without first telling some-one of your planed route and how long your going to be, most modern mobile phones have really good features built into them, my 2 phones have text, wap, mms, video calling, email, intenet and my main phone even has sat nav, it alway pays to have 2 phone, one in use and one turned off to save the battery, even though most phones now last for over a week on stand-by.
Once you have your pack and your self ready for the great outdoors, please remember to have fun after all thats why you started to do this, and don't forget your camera and note book to jot down what and where you've been